Blog: Designing an Optimal Fruit Packhouse?

Posted by Paul Ramson on Nov 16, 2020 6:31:47 AM


Building a packhouse is a massive undertaking both financially & emotionally. Here's how to focus investments on areas that affect SKU creation and throughput which can have a huge pay off over time. This blog will help you define and understand the 10-to-20-year operational life of your foundational equipment investments and to do it right the first time so as to avoid costly ad-hoc additions later.

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Topics: Fruit, Equipment & Technology


Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Oct 19, 2020 10:26:45 AM

Cloud-based service unlocks the power of big data to monitor and optimize food sorting processes.

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Topics: News article, Equipment & Technology, Corporate News, Food Trends

Compac lanza su plataforma de clasificación de nueva generación para plantas de envasado, preparada para el futuro

Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Oct 7, 2020 11:23:02 AM

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Topics: News article, Equipment & Technology, Corporate News, Food Trends

Compac launches its next generation sorting platform designed to futureproof packhouse businesses

Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Oct 7, 2020 10:58:21 AM

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Topics: News article, Equipment & Technology, Corporate News, Food Trends

Stagione delle ciliegie e Covid-19: Compac ha superato a pieni voti le sfide della pandemia

Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Sep 8, 2020 9:08:39 AM

Compac (gruppo TOMRA Food) e i suoi partner ICOEL e Sardas si sono trovati ad affrontare una sfida eccezionale: proprio mentre si preparavano a spedire e installare tre linee di selezione e confezionamento chiavi in mano in Turchia e una quarta in Uzbekistan è scoppiata la pandemia COVID-19. Nonostante la situazione, con paesi in isolamento, restrizioni di viaggio e interruzioni della logistica del trasporto merci, i quattro progetti sono stati completati nei tempi previsti. Questo risultato ha richiesto tutto l'ingegno dei team coinvolto nell'installazione, che è stato in grado di sfruttare la presenza globale e l'estrema flessibilità operative di Compac. Le quattro linee, dotate della piattaforma di selezione InVision2, sono riuscite ad essere operative per l'inizio della stagione delle ciliegie, per la soddisfazione dei clienti. Con le nuove linee di selezione e confezionamento Compac, le ditte turche Perla Fruit, Karaali e Unifrutti e Uz-Segang in Uzbekistan hanno chiuso la stagione in positivo, ricevendo ottimi feedback dai clienti finali.

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Topics: News article

Compac supera los retos de la pandemia y asegura una total satisfacción y una temporada exitosa de la cereza a sus clientes de Turquía y Uzbekistán

Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Sep 8, 2020 9:08:35 AM

Compac, empresa integrante de la familia TOMRA Food, junto con sus colaboradoras, ICOEL y Sardas, han tenido que afrontar retos extraordinarios en esta temporada. Y es que la pandemia del COVID-19 surgió cuando se encontraban en plena preparación del envío e instalación de tres líneas integrales de calibrado y envasado de cerezas en Turquía, y una cuarta en Uzbekistán. Para acabar los cuatro proyectos en los plazos previstos, tuvieron que sobreponerse a una situación nunca vista de países en confinamiento, restricciones de viaje y alteraciones de la logística del transporte de mercancías. Para lograrlo, fue necesario todo el ingenio de los equipos implicados en la instalación, que recurrieron a la cadena internacional de suministro y la inmensa flexibilidad operativa de Compac. Las cuatro líneas, equipadas con la plataforma electrónica de calibrado InVision2 de Compac, estuvieron listas y en funcionamiento justo para el inicio de la temporada de la cereza y cumplieron con las expectativas de sus respectivos propietarios. Gracias a sus líneas nuevas de calibrado y envasado de Compac, Perla Fruit, Karaali y Unifrutti, en Turquía, y Uz-Segang, en Uzbekistán, cerraron la temporada con un rotundo éxito, recibiendo comentarios muy positivos de sus clientes.

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Topics: News article


Posted by Nigel Flack on Sep 8, 2020 9:08:27 AM

Durante más de 100 años, desde el nacimiento de la automatización industrial, los ingenieros han soñado con fábricas donde las máquinas realizan tareas de forma autónoma, sin la necesidad de participación humana. Hoy en día, varios pasos del proceso en las operaciones industriales se pueden realizar automáticamente, sin embargo, hay pocas líneas de producción que funcionan realmente así de extremo a extremo.

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Compac overcomes challenges of pandemic to deliver full satisfaction and a successful cherry season to customers in Turkey and Uzbekistan

Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Sep 7, 2020 5:06:50 PM

Compac, part of the TOMRA Food family, and its partners ICOEL and Sardas were confronted with unique challenges, as the COVID-19 pandemic hit just as they were preparing to ship and install three turnkey cherry grading and packing lines in Turkey and a fourth one in Uzbekistan. They overcame the unprecedented situation with countries under lockdown, travel restrictions and disruptions to goods transport logistics to complete the four projects right on schedule. This achievement required all the ingenuity of the teams involved in the installation, who were able to leverage Compac’s global supply chain and extreme operational flexibility. The four lines, equipped with Compac’s InVision2 electronic grading platform, were up and running for the beginning of the cherry season and they performed to the respective customers’ satisfaction. With their new Compac grading and packing lines, Perla Fruit, Karaali, Unifrutti in Turkey and Uz-Segang in Uzbekistan closed the season with resounding success, receiving positive feedback from their customers.

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Topics: Fruit, News article, Customer testimonials, Equipment & Technology, Corporate News

Compac’s UltraView inspection module wins Hi-Tech Award

Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Aug 27, 2020 2:03:19 PM

Compac, part of the TOMRA Food family, has won the 2020 NZ Hi-Tech Award for Most Innovative Agritech Solution. This accolade recognizes the innovative technology and customer benefits of UltraView, the groundbreaking inspection module launched by Compac in late 2019.

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Topics: News article, Equipment & Technology, Corporate News

Perla Fruit gets off to a flying start in its first cherry season

Posted by Marijke Bellemans on Jul 24, 2020 3:59:19 PM

Established in June 2019, Turkish packer and exporter Perla Fruit is well on the way to completing successfully its first cherry season. This result is all the more remarkable for having been achieved at a time when the world was rocked by the Covid-19 pandemic. This positive outcome is down in great part to the extensive experience and dynamism of President Kerim Taner and General Manager Murat Hamdi Taner, who steered the company through the many hurdles of this first year of activity. One of their decisions, which was critical to this success, was the choice of Compac as a partner for its automated sorting technology. Compac, part of the TOMRA Food family, its distributor ICOEL and Turkish agent Sardas pulled out all the stops to overcome the unprecedented situation of travel restrictions and lockdowns, and completed the on-time installation of a new turnkey cherry grading and packing line equipped with Compac InVision2 electronic grading platform. The system was up and running for the beginning of the cherry season and is delivering on its promise of excellent grading accuracy and outstanding defect and color selection. Perla Fruit fully expects to close its first season with a result that will place the company among the top cherry packers and exporters in Turkey.

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Topics: Fruit

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